Relieve Your Menstrual Pain With A Home Sauna

A majority of women have experienced what many of us consider the inevitable symptoms before and during your menstruating cycles. The usual culprits that women have to cope with are bloating, cramping, and other horrible symptoms that come with menstruation. However, regular use of a home sauna can easily alleviate these sometimes debilitating symptoms.


What Is Menstrual Pain? 


The pain that is felt during menstruation is also known as dysmenorrhea, or simply as period pains. These aches can range from dull and annoying to severe and extreme. Menstrual cramps usually start after ovulation when an egg is released from the ovaries and travels down the fallopian tube. 


Typically, a woman will complain about pain in her lower abdomen and lower back. It commonly starts one to two days before menstruation and usually goes on for two to four days. 


The pain that occurs during the process of menstruation is referred to as primary dysmenorrhea. 


If the cramping pain is because of an identifiable medical issue such as endometriosis, uterine fibroids, or pelvic inflammatory disease, it is known as secondary dysmenorrhea. 


Here are the main points you should be aware of when it comes to menstrual cramps:


  • Menstrual cramps are aches felt in the lower abdomen, before and during menstruation.


  • The pain can go from meager to the extreme.


  • Emotional stress can increase the chance of feeling menstrual cramps.


Other symptoms some women experience are nausea, vomiting, sweating, dizziness, headaches, and diarrhea.

Some solutions for menstrual cramps include over-the-counter medicines which include birth control treatments, and some home remedies. 


What Makes Menstrual Pain Worse? 


Several conditions can aggravate the symptoms of menstrual cramps, for example, uterine fibroids, pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis, ovarian cysts as well as torsions. Therefore, if you are experiencing server discomfort or painful cramps lately, you should speak to your doctor and get a professional opinion. 


Some factors that can increase the severity of menstrual cramps are the following: 


  • An early start to puberty (before age 11)
  • Experiencing heavy bleeding (menorrhagia) during menstruation
  • Irregular bleeding (also referred to as metrorrhagia)
  • The use of tobacco products
  • Younger than 20 years of age
  • Never have given birth
  • -Irregular bleeding (known as metrorrhagia)
  • -Tobacco products (another great reason to quit!


How Can Infrared Saunas Relieve Menstrual Pain?


There is no denying that the best home infrared sauna has many health benefits, and one of these amazing health benefits includes helping problems associated with hormone imbalances as well. 


Since hormones have so many functions in the body and are more susceptible to fluctuations in their levels, particularly in women, when they get out of balance with each other, they can cause many types of issues. 


The typical problems that can occur when there are hormonal imbalances are the following:


  • Digestive problems
  • Loss of libido
  • Skin problems
  • Disturbed sleep
  • Increased appetite
  • Anxiety
  • Low mood
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches


These symptoms can be linked to hormone imbalances, but there are lots of remedies you can do to help yourself when you find yourself in this situation and using a home sauna is one such remedy. 


How Does An Infrared Sauna Help Hormonal Imbalances? 


Many customers that are considering a home sauna are a bit wary when they hear claims that a sauna can help with hormonal imbalances. However, it will make more sense when you understand that an important organ involved in regulating hormones is in fact, the liver. 


The liver is the main organ responsible for eliminating toxins, although the liver can become blocked if it has to deal with a lot of toxins. When you use an infrared sauna, it helps to get rid of some toxins and heavy metals from the body through excessive perspiration. 


This helps the liver to work more effectively and become more efficient at regulating hormones. A considerable cause of hormone imbalance is stress. Unfortunately, stress seems to be the evildoer to so many problems in our bodies! 


Fortunately, using an infrared sauna is very relaxing and using it regularly can lead to positive effects on the levels of stress hormones in the body. Since stress makes the body release more of some hormones and less of others than usual, long term stress can lead to some serious issues with a person’s hormones. Therefore, it is important to let your body rest from stress as often as possible. 


How Does An Infrared Sauna Cope With Menstrual Cramps? 


There are various methods that an infrared sauna can help to relieve cramps. Obviously, the gentle warmth that an infrared sauna emits is one such way, just as every woman has tried the hot water bottle trick. However, the general effects of relaxing muscles are very helpful, as is the method of sweating helps to eliminate excess water and salt from the body which gets stored during periods. Sitting and enjoying the health benefits of an infrared sauna also helps to release endorphins which are the “feel-good” chemicals in the body and act as a natural pain killer.  


How Does An Infrared Sauna Deal With Menopausal Symptoms?


The general lift in wellbeing you experience in an infrared sauna helps to relieve a person from aches, stress, fatigue and can be helpful to alleviate menopausal symptoms.


Many menopausal women have claimed to notice reductions in hot flushes when regularly using a sauna which sounds absurd, but it does work! An infrared sauna helps to improve blood flow and strengthen the immune system.


Another great advantage that menopausal women comment about, but everybody can benefit from is how they see a significant improvement in their skin quality. This is because an infrared sauna helps to improve blood circulation which helps to remove toxins from the skin and allows oxygen and nutrients to flow more freely. 


Additionally, regular use of an infrared sauna can improve other skin conditions such as eczema and reduce inflammation in the skin. What is even better is that infrared saunas can stimulate our skin to produce more collagen and elastin which results in firmer, plumper skin. 


For a majority of women, menstruation is a fact of life and they have to deal with it no matter what. However, with the use of an infrared sauna in your home, many women can help themselves to a holistic option to fight off the uncomfortable side effects.