Can In Home Sauna Help You With Insomnia?

We all enjoy a sauna, whether it is after a spa, a workout, or a long working day, especially because the heat helps us relax and feel great. 

However, a different kind of sauna is trending these days. It has grabbed everyone’s attention, from the Kardashians to everyone else like you and me. Today, infrared saunas are enjoying a surge in popularity — advocates of the infrared sauna claim that its benefits include relaxation, detoxification, and even help with insomnia. 

If you have been wondering whether the in home sauna can help you have better sleep, read on below to find more! 

Infrared saunas differ from traditional saunas in a variety of ways

Unlike traditional saunas, infrared saunas differ in the way they create heat. A traditional sauna creates warm air around you, turning it into a heated environment, which ultimately warms your body. However, far infrared saunas use the light to heal your body through harmless radiation. The term ‘far’ refers to the position on the electromagnetic spectrum. Since far infrared saunas depend on radiation, they heat your body without heating the air around it. Although, the results of both saunas are mostly the same. They both create the same physical effects i.e., increased body heat, sweat, and heart rate. A traditional sauna typically heats up the environment to an uncomfortable 185 °C. Therefore a far sauna infrared is an appealing option for those who do not like the escalating heat but still want to enjoy the sauna benefits. 

Sleep benefits 

Most people love the in house sauna because they feel good, but it turns out that enjoying a sauna is more than just a feeling. Apart from some of the obvious benefits, an in home sauna alleviates health issues, including Alzheimer’s disease, type 2 diabetes, headache, and rheumatoid arthritis, congestive heart failure, and high blood pressure. According to a study in 2015, infrared sauna therapy even reduces chronic fatigue and improves your mood. 

Some studies show that infrared saunas indirectly help you fall asleep better by calming your mind and cooling your body temperature. 

Infrared saunas help you fall asleep by cooling your body temperature

Often sleep is a pretty complicated process. Several mechanisms are involved in helping you fall asleep, and the most important one is thermoregulation. It refers to the process of how your body regulates and maintains your body temperature. 

During the whole day, your body operates to keep your core temperature relatively steady. But your body temperature fluctuates during your sleep-wake cycle, and it cools down at night while preparing you for a good night’s sleep. The cooling down of your body signals your brain that it is time to produce melatonin, which is responsible for sleep. Just like other hormones, melatonin plays a significant role in activating biochemical reactions. As you sleep, your body temperature continues to drop, and it reaches its lowest in the middle of the night. Maintaining cool body temperature is critical for falling asleep. It is the core reason why it is so hard to sleep during those summer days!

To fall asleep a little faster, some people often take a warm bath before they go to bed. While the bath itself is warm, when they get out of it, their body temperature swiftly decreases as soon as the warm water evaporates. This quick cool-down accelerates the process your brain uses to fall asleep. 

An in home sauna works in the same pattern. Once you leave the warm sauna, your body creates a cooling down effect and as a result, your body is primed for a good night’s sleep. 

Induces calmness and relaxation

An insomniac knows how hard it is to fall asleep, particularly if they are worried, nervous, anxious, or otherwise wound up. It’s a no brainer that insomnia and anxiety disorders go hand in hand. 

Infrared is an excellent option for insomniacs because it creates cooling effects and calms your mind and body. As a result, it is easier for them to fall asleep and stay asleep. Usually, a calmer mind sleeps faster and longer than a restless mind. 

You can have better sleep habits by using infrared saunas. You can train your mind to fall asleep quicker by consistently using a sauna at night. 

Even if you are using a sauna during regular waking hours, it can be beneficial for your sleep. Saunas play a similar role to yoga or other relaxation practices. 

Studies have shown that saunas really do improve your sleep. Enjoy a 15-20 minute long sauna or in the company of a partner in a 2 person sauna and have a good night’s rest!